When installing the
Google analytics code user's commonly run into an error when entering the checkout process using IE. The error reads,
'this page contains both secure and non-secure items'. Security errors during the checkout process will ruin your chances of a sale.
we address this by ensuring we only issue secure content on https pages, and insecure content on http pages. to do this, we use a logic test
to see if the request is from http or https world. we then issue the proper code.
<ss:if test="$request.getScheme() == 'http'">
<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://ssl.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
this is a logic test to see if the requested url is https or http. if yes, it adds some javascript to the body tag if we're in https.
<ss:if test="$request.getScheme() == 'https'">
<body onLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans()">
<form style="display:none;" name="utmform"><textarea id="utmtrans">UTM:T|<ss:value source="$invoice.confirmationNumber"/>||<ss:value format="none" source="$invoice.subTotal"/>|0.00|0.00|<ss:value source="$invoice.billToCity"/>|<ss:value source="$invoice.billToState"/>|<ss:value source="$invoice.billToCountry"/>
<ss:foreach item="detail" within="$invoice.details">UTM:I|<ss:value source="$invoice.confirmationNumber"/>|<ss:value source='$detail.sku'/>|<ss:value source="$detail.product.name"/>|<ss:value source="$detail.product.oem"/>|<ss:value format="none" source="$detail.price"/>|<ss:value source='$detail.quantity'/>
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>Google analytics can be installed to the ProStores templates via the design studio. Be careful, several users install the code incorrectly and receive security errors during checkout, especially when using Internet Explorer.
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