a certified ProStores developer

Search Engine Optimization

Our optimizations consist of six integrated components: initial site assessment; keyword selection; site recoding/optimization; posting & directory submission; post-optimization performance analysis, adjustment of SEO.

1. data collection - analytics tracking code is installed on the ProStores templates to collect information about current traffic and user behavior. Site data logs are collected & reviewed. An initial link strategy based on probably keyword targets is sketched.

2. site assessment - Current site performance and SEO visibility are assessed. Raw logs are further analyzed. Entry pages are reviewed for relevance. The result of this step is a formal written report of current seo visibility.

3. keyword selection - Correct keyword selection is the fundamental decision in search engine optimization. We consider a range of potential keywords and selects those which have the best revenue potiental.

4. site optimization - Each ProStores template and static html/php page is re-coded and edited. The linking campaign is launched.

5. post-optimization - the site's search engine performance is monitored, augmented and adjusted as necessary.

What's the next step? - Request an seo review by Jesseo


Search engine success requires knowing your site's unique keyword phrases. Through analysis your keywords are revealed. Your site, and the internet generally, is then optimized to identify your pages as best matches for these keywords.

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