a certified ProStores developer

Sample ProStores HTML/SSML code

This page lists sample code snippets in ssml/html for ProStores. SSML is a hybrid html coding language similar to php. It works only with ProStores ecommerce web sites.

logic test to see if the referral url was using http or https:

This code is useful to resolve 'this page contains both secure and insecure items'.

<ss:if test="$request.getScheme() == 'http'">
     show this text...the url is http - (nonsecure)
     lock the door, the url is https - (secure)

example div-based product layout for the catalog detail template

this layout uses a combination of html, ssml and css. It you're unfamilar with these three basic programing languages you will have time customizing this template...

<!-- Design Studio > InitialSet > Catalog > Catalog Detail -->

<style type="text/css">
.fs {color:#d00030;}
.c31 {float:left;padding-right:25px;width:350px;}
.c18 {float:left;}
.c21 {width:90px;font-family:arial;float:left;padding:3px 10px 3px 0;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;}
.c22 {float:left;font-family:arial;font-size:12px;padding:3px 10px 3px 0;}
.c19 {clear:both;}
.red {color:#d00030;font-weight:normal;}
#c23 a{position:relative;left:80%;right:0;margin-top:15px;margin-right:0;
#backtop {text-align:center;padding:15px;}

<h2><ss:value source="$"/></h2>

<div id="ct">
<div class="c31"><ss:image source="$product.photoImage" />
<div class="c18">

<div class="c19">
<div class="c21">Availability:</div>
<div class="c22"><b>In Stock!</b><br><span style="font-size:80%">Guaranteed to ship same day.<br>(If ordered by 2pm PST, M-F)</span></div>

<div class="c19">
<div class="c21 red"><b>Your Price:</b></div>
<div class="c22" style="font-size;13px;letter-spacing: .05em;"><b><ss:include macro="productprice"/> <ss:foreach item="promotion" within="$product.activePromotions"> <ss:set name="detailText" value="$product.promotionDetailText($promotion)"/><ss:if test="$detailText != null">&nbsp;(<ss:value source="$detailText"/>) </ss:if></ss:foreach><br><ss:include macro="ProductPriceX"/></b></div>

<div class="c19">
<div class="c21">Shipping:</div>
<div class="c22">Displayed in Cart <ss:comment><ss:if test="$product.shippingCost = 0">$0.00 (<span class="red">Free Shipping</span>)<ss:else/><ss:value source="$product.shippingCost"/></ss:if></ss:comment>

<div class="c19">
<div class="c21">Tax:</div>
<div class="c22">$0.00 (<span class="red">No Tax</span>)*<br><span style="font-size: 80%;">*excludes La. residents</span></div>
<div class="c19">
<br> <ss:if test="$product.type == ProductType.LEAD">
<ss:link shortcut="lead"/>
<ss:include template="cartadd"/>
<div class="c19"><!-- --></div>

<p>&nbsp;</p><ss:value source="$product.description"/>
<div id="backtop"><script type="text/javascript">document.writeln("<a href='" + document.URL + "#top'>back to top</a>")</script></div><div id="c23"><a href="">ProStores by jesseo</a></div>

<!-- End Catalog > Catalog Detail -->


SSML (store script markup language) is the propietary programing language of the ProStores software. This page provides ssml snippets and some basic functions.

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